Wally Maier
Wally Maier
I wonder if this issue arises only with AXISYMMETRIC = YES and a BC_SYM?
@mskim0401 @pcarruscag This problem is seems to even in 2D simulations, when zooming into other blunt-body type cases in NEMO and Flow solver, the same pattern can be seen, just...
If anyone has a source for this, Id be interested in adding this.
I just updated to develop. Trying to "unstale" this.
Im second guessing on whether we want hide the partially catalytic in fluid model as such i tried to condense the nasty if statement
This looks pretty good! I think you should add a regression. Should an incompressible version be added as well?
@sun5k Great work!
Trying to unstale this.
@sun5k @pcarruscag I noticed this issue when rearranging NEMO to handle SST cases. I believe several users on the CFD-online have noticed these issues for high-mach flows.
This could also be done in a similar manner as the forces_breakdown file.