Volker Enderlein

Results 154 comments of Volker Enderlein

Did you have had a look onto [Koin3D](https://github.com/YvesBoyadjian/Koin3D)? Haven't tried that by myself, but it looks promising.

Thanks for the example. I'll happily merge your PR if you adapt the build instructions.

@veelo This really looks very promising.

Yesterday I tried to use the registered address [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to create a new ticket from an account not connected to github, but apparently this did not work as I do...

Did you get any errors? What version of Darwin are you on? I just checked the latest sources on my VM with Mojave 10.14 and it built and installed without...

Thanks for reporting back. Coin wiki [Git section](https://github.com/coin3d/coin/wiki/BuildWithCMake#git) explains why downloading the source tarball from [Releases](https://github.com/coin3d/coin/releases/) won't work. Coin3D uses submodules all over its repositories and they won't be properly...

_"Unfortunately, downloading directly from a git repo is frowned upon by the MacPorts community, and is only used in -devel ports. A stable port should not have to pull in...

I just added a [PR](https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/pull/13303) to macports to update Coin3d related port files (simage, Coin, SoQt, and Quarter) to their current versions.

**Original comment by Roy Walmsley (Bitbucket: [walroy](https://bitbucket.org/walroy), GitHub: [walroy](https://github.com/walroy)).** ---------------------------------------- Hi, If you want to use shaders you have to insert a SoShaderProgram node into your scene graph. It will...

Thanks for the static code analysis. I started to fix some of the major issues, but will need some additional time to finish the task as a lot of those...