
Results 38 comments of Veshurik

UPD. With hook text earlier for this game it doesn't recognize digits inside the text. Comment: "The engine checks for ASCII symbols first (to filter out tags like %K%F and...

I very want English language on new version... Old just doesn't want to run on my PC. And new version too - after choosing application, it freezes, and that's all....

The problem is that waifu2x-caffe doesn't working on my PC, and I don't know why...

Still happens... I need to retrying to finally get the file...' And I'm so tired of re-captcha... wasting many time on choosing auto etc... Why... Can you know any good...

It doesn't work for me, because I have AMD. And I mean program with interface.

> how about this one > > it says "This build should support both CUDA for nVidia **and OpenCL for AMD**, nVidia & Intel HD" Yeah, thanks, it works!...

Well, problem solves if you installing Google Play Services on your device, but app can't work with Huawei Services, and there isn't Kirikiroid2 in AppGallery store.

So I think it's not possible for author...

Well, can I find out how we usual players can fix it? Because Android 11 is an ass, seriously. I have license on Google Play account. Developer even plan to...

I'm zero in programming, huh... But I trying, and it doesn't work. I mean, on my PC "drap and drop .exe here" never worked. I don't even understand why....