3d-forest icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
3d-forest copied to clipboard

Visualization, processing and analysis of Lidar point clouds, mainly focused on forest environment. New version of 3D Forest. Process files with terabytes of data. Edit new point attributes. Simple ad...

3D Forest

3D Forest is software for analysis of Lidar data from forest environment.

Copyright 2020-Present VUKOZ Blue Cat team and other authors


3D Forest is released under the GPLv3 license. See LICENSE for more information.


HTML Documentation with User Manual and Developer Guide.

Tools and Algorithms


The code uses C++17, CMake, Qt5 or Qt6 and OpenGL.

    > mkdir build
    > cd build
    > cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..
    > mingw32-make
    > mingw32-make install

Build Instructions

The code uses C++17 and CMake. Qt5 or Qt6 and OpenGL are required to build desktop application. The build process generates desktop application with graphical user interface and command line tools. See INSTALL for more information.

Third-Party Libraries

3D Forest source code includes several third-party libraries which are stored under 3rdparty directory. This approach allows to use compatible versions of third-party libraries without downloading and installation of each library.

  • ctk widgets: ctkRangeSlider (Jul 27, 2018), A slider that has 2 input values.
  • delaunator-cpp (Oct 6, 2018), Delaunay triangulation of 2D points.
  • eigen (3.4.0), Template library for linear algebra.
  • libigl (2.4.0), A simple geometry processing library.
  • stb_image_write (v1.16), stb single-file public domain libraries for C++.
  • octree (0.1-icra), Index-based Octree implementation.

Known Issues

This software is currently in development.



Some useful links:

Source Code sitemap

CMakeLists.txt     - CMake top-level file.
INSTALL            - Installation and building instructions.
LICENSE            - The GPL license.
README.md          - Project summary.

3rdparty/          - 3rd party libraries.
bin/               - 3D Forest binaries. CMake install destination directory.
build/             - CMake build directory.
cmake/             - CMake settings.
data/              - Example data files.
doc/               - Documentation.
src/               - Source code.