François Bérenger

Results 200 issues of François Bérenger

Hello, I don't know CSS, but it looks like your library can do what I need. I would like some simple data extraction example. If I have such an HTML...

this would ease opam packaging too

Hence, the opam package can install everything required, even if the system doesn't have the package installed. Since the arrow package is not included in many distros, that would be...

Hello, top can be used in batch mode with the -n option: you specify how many screen refreshes you wan before top exits. And at the end, you see the...

new feature

merlin-locate is project-wise merlin-occurrences is just current-buffer Can't we have a merlin-occurrences that is project-wise?


Hello, In Emacs, I am very distracted by any of the highlighting done by merlin. I would like to disable all of it, with a single option in my .emacs,...

Hi automl-hackers, I feel this package could do some significant progress on the regression front. I can send you some chemistry-related datasets from the real-world, if you are interested. Also,...


enhancement Can be used to do robust (less or no influence from outliers) fitting of a curve to data points.

help wanted