François Bérenger

Results 152 comments of François Bérenger

I have to admit that the "open Soup" directive in the README file and documentation completely leaves me blind about which functions are from the Soup module. The use of...

Thanks for the example. I'll try to adapt some code I have to use it.

you can label issues with labels like "good first issue" or "help wanted" if you would like someone to do it for you. It might happen, who knows...

so true!

I don't know which version of arrow you support, by the way. ```bash # opam depext -i arrow # Detecting depexts using vars: arch=x86_64, os=linux, os-distribution=ubuntu, os-family=debian # The following...

I did not see a INSTALL file in arrow, so building from sources looks kind of problematic indeed (I suspect there are many dependencies too). Apparently, the pip package pyarrow...

It would be amazing if the whole thing, including model training, would be usable from Python. PS: if you make it usable from OCaml, I would also be happy, but...

Feel free to submit an issue to them about missing features.

I am not sure this is the right way to do; but in case one of the dependencies cannot install; I might still want to be able to install the...