Tom Kelly

Results 44 comments of Tom Kelly

Thanks @naoe-tatara I had the R help system in mind but I think your definition applies to the case as well.

To clarify I think some aspects specific to each language will be necessary. If there is a style guide in English and some general points applying to all contributions that...

Please note that all dependencies must be reinstalled to run on R 4.0.0, 4.1.0 or 4.2.0 after updating R. Perhaps this is the cause? How was the 64 bit version...

Thanks for reporting this. It seems to be an issue with installing dependencies in a conda environment. I'm a little confused by this since it has been over a year...

@apeltzer Thank you for taking time to review it. I understand it is difficult to find time (see my proposals to implement this on the 'demultiplex' pipeline as long...

Thanks for taking time to review @apeltzer. I've updated test.yml files accordingly. As mentioned, some output files are slightly different in each run due to containing copies of the input...

> One tiny test missing 🤞🏻 - the web_summary.html in both universc count and the cellranger count part. Can you try to fix this? @apeltzer I've returned from holidays so...

I can support building a subworkflow and integrating it into the scRNA-Seq pipeline. Unfortunately scATAC-Seq is not currently supported due to some complications.

I looked into mirroring the docker image at `nf-core/universc`. I am a member of the GitHub organisation but do not have permissions to update the Docker images here: If...

@apeltzer Should I add the "subworkflow" for UniverSC as a separate PR or include it in this one? I noticed there are subworkflows included with this modules repo and also...