When compiling the samples, during CMAKE right after configuration is completed I get this error: CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to...
buckler is subtype of normal riot shield so you can craft a strobe shield using a wooden buckler # Changelog :cl: bugfix: wooden and teleshields are now blacklisted from making...
oversight which causes you to get stunned if the singularity does the AoE stun thing if you have meson eyes # Changelog :cl: bugfix: singularity will no longer stun you...
needing an emag or whatever for combat mechs is OK and fine and good, but being unable to use the exofab at all without robotics access is cringe, and was...
emagged PK borgs are really, really strong. INSANELY strong. their full equipment currently measures out to: mostly unblockable instant melee stun Flashbang portable doorshock except it also ignores insulated gloves...
Theos brought this gem of an override file on the discord. At first I didn't believe him, because a 100% block on shields seemed so stupid, but testing on a...
ok heres the quick rundown: instead of being able to hit the x10 button for guns on the armory protolathe and being able to instantly replace an entire stolen/lost armory...
reduces the crazy wounding bonuses on the surgical drill (10 and 10 bare wound bonus) because these are backpack sized and pointy so because of our crackhead wounding system they...
ok basically, i added 2 new mech weapons, one of them is a reskin of the LMG except it fires l6 SAW bullets and a reskin of the scattershot shotgun...
borg combat is currently 1 click wins on both sides which is fucking awful 2011 combat that we got rid of for humans a couple years ago, this changes a...