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reworking borg combat to be less reliant on 1 click instant kills for both sides
borg combat is currently 1 click wins on both sides which is fucking awful 2011 combat that we got rid of for humans a couple years ago, this changes a bunch of borg stuff to be less binary
Flashes: Immobilize and blur the cyborg's vision for the same time as old flashes. They can still act. Down from instantly locking them in an inescapable chainstun. Locked borgs are affected the same way they previously were
Lockdown: Locked down borgs can now move and act instead of being trapped forever, HOWEVER, locked borgs move 4x slower, have 2 of their module slots disabled, and their remaining module breaks at the same damage threshold as the third module on unlocked cyborgs. They can only interact with stuff they're next to, and borgs with guns cannot shoot. This is down from lockdown being an instant inescapable GBJ button
Detonate: Remote detonation of cyborgs can only be done by the cyborg's connected master AI. Down from instantly gibbing the cyborg at literally the press of a button.
EMPS: Emps do double damage against borgs (40 on heavy, 20 on light) and their ability to pulse internal wires has been restored as lockdown is no longer a stupid infinite stun. EMPs now only disable the borg's modules (16 seconds heavy like how it was before, jesus christ, 6 seconds light) Down from being an instant kill on hit.
Stun arm: Now has a 1.2 second cooldown between attacks, and only does 60 stamina damage.
Harm alarm: Knocks down instead of being a fucking paralyze because ranged stuns are stupid
Self destruct: Can't be done while locked.
Hugging module: Shock hugs now respect insulation when electrocuting people. This is down from it being an instant inescapable chainstun for humans.
tweak: borg combat has been reworked to be a lot less binary
Hope this PR does not undo https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/12614
Nerfing lockdowns incentivizes blowing borgs more
"Overall, I don't like that almost all the ways to deal with borgs are getting lesser (its already a problem now where they are at) just over so they can't instant stun me with hacked module and hug module"
Maybe just nerf the 2 things that are doing the 1 click combat for borgs but I think it's fair to say things are pretty fair-wise for borgs side of the dime when you consider all the literal power, tools, and respawn capability and mechanics they outright ignore.
Nerfing lockdowns incentivizes blowing borgs more
i was on the fence about removing detonating cyborgs with robotics control (excluding master AIs)
Hope this PR does not undo #12614
cyborgs that are completely stunned still can't self detonate (xenos, Kindle, etc) and i made sure to make it so that LOCKED borgs cant do it either
pretty fair-wise for borgs side of the dime when you consider all the literal power, tools, and respawn capability and mechanics they outright ignore.
"its fair to instantly get cucked into an infinite chainstun and killed/emagged because you can open doors 8 tiles away, and only if you're not breaking your laws" yes the cyborg modules are strong (hint, they're like this because once you've selected a module thats basically all you can do) but i am not exclusively nerfing them while keeping in their shitty get clicked once by an item literally anyone can have and you won't know (flashes are fucking everywhere) until it's too late combat scheme, because it's objectively unfun to eat shit because you were helping someone that just so happened to have a hate boner for silicons like everyone who plays this accursed game
That's only one boon from a very long list and these standards for borgs where put in place for a reason.
I'm 100% in favor of removing any instant-stun weapons or mechanics.
geniunely good pr, though my biggest issue is that flashes would still be an instant hardstun against humans
A lot of my gripes with this have been addressed so i think it might be a good idea to test merge it for a bit just to see how the meta changes around. Also, can't wait to have an excuse to shotgun borgs more because I can't stun them :))))
I honestly dont like it, but ill look at it with a couple people
Not against something like this in the future, but not currently.