
Results 6 issues of Terrence77

I love your great libs for using TS for Identity. I can't seem to get it working on a Blazor project. Been working for 2 nights on a dozen different...


### Description Following this tutorial https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/hybrid/tutorials/windows-forms?view=aspnetcore-7.0 WinForms with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.WindowsForms.BlazorWebView When adding an html control to a razor page in a WinForms app, you are NOT able to advance the time...

t/enhancement ☀️
area/blazor 🕸️
area/controls 🎮

Azure IoT Edge LoRaWAN Starter Kit I have installing AzureIotEdge to my Raspberry Pi with the Seeed Stuio Wm1002 lora concentrator. I noticed in My IOTHub / Devices / MyGateway...


Attempting to get your great code loaded on 2 esp boards. Having trouble finding motionDetector.h Found multistatic_interference_radar.h by the same guy in github, but it's a different file. Do you...

2022-06-20, v1.3 I have a simple blink script. runs fine while plugged into usb, but does not run on battery. Is there some setting I am missing to enable the...

### Preflight Checklist - [X] I have installed the [latest version of Storage Explorer](https://github.com/Microsoft/AzureStorageExplorer/releases/latest). - [X] I have checked existing resources, including the [troubleshooting guide](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/common/storage-explorer-troubleshooting) and the [release notes](https://github.com/microsoft/AzureStorageExplorer/releases). -...

:bulb: feature request
:gear: tables