Oh, something I can overcome with search and replace, but it seems that your "dotnet new rzp-id-azure-tables" templates replace most of the NameSpace names with lowercase namespace. So using and...
Thank you happytm.
It seems I am so close to getting the gatewasy to compile. I am new to iot dev, I wonder if you might help me debug my build error. googling...
Oh, Ok, let me try that out. Thank you for your help. Really excited to find a super low power solution.
Could you tell me what WiFi lib you are using? I have 2 installed and both throw errors. Here are the comments at the top of the .h files WiFi.h...
I promise I am not and will not use you for tech support. I just can't seem to get your SimpleGateway to compile. I have built a brand new windows...
Can't believe they closed this on you. I am having the same issue, did you ever resolve it?
I know this probably is not the place for tech support, but I have searched the net and can't find any forum answering questions about this great project. Suggestions?
@kbeaugrand Thank you for your reply. Yes, that is what I was trying to get across in my post, that the file DOES exist. >>Doing research I noticed on this...
@kbeaugrand >>Otherwise, you can manually specify to download the required image for testing purpose: loraedge/lorabasicsstationmodule:2.2.2-arm32v7 Can I specify this in the Azure Portal, or do I need to do it...