iotedge-lorawan-starterkit copied to clipboard
No matching manifest for linux/arm/v7
Azure IoT Edge LoRaWAN Starter Kit
I have installing AzureIotEdge to my Raspberry Pi with the Seeed Stuio Wm1002 lora concentrator.
I noticed in My IOTHub / Devices / MyGateway that LoRaWanNetworkSrvModule and LoRaBasicsStationModule were showing a runtime status as Error.
I went to my gateway and issued this command to look at the logs and found this error.
sudo iotedge system logs
2024-01-17T01:50:03Z [WARN] - Could not pull image loraedge/lorabasicsstationmodule:2.2.2 2024-01-17T01:50:03Z [WARN] - caused by: no matching manifest for linux/arm/v7 in the manifest list entries
No manifest for linux/arm/v7 ?? Doing research I noticed on this website that the linux/arm/v7 2.2.2 file does exist.
Ideas on solving this issue?
Thank you.
I know this probably is not the place for tech support, but I have searched the net and can't find any forum answering questions about this great project.
@Terrence77, is this a transient error ?
As far I know by looking in the manifest, there is a tag for linux/arm/v7:
Otherwise, you can manually specify to download the required image for testing purpose: loraedge/lorabasicsstationmodule:2.2.2-arm32v7
@kbeaugrand Thank you for your reply.
Yes, that is what I was trying to get across in my post, that the file DOES exist.
Doing research I noticed on this website that the linux/arm/v7 2.2.2 file does exist.
is this a transient error
Well I am seeing the error in the Azure portal.
Otherwise, you can manually specify to download the required image for testing purpose: loraedge/lorabasicsstationmodule:2.2.2-arm32v7
I "think" I tried that but was not successful.
I am new to containers so I am sure I mangled my syntax.
Otherwise, you can manually specify to download the required image for testing purpose: loraedge/lorabasicsstationmodule:2.2.2-arm32v7
Can I specify this in the Azure Portal, or do I need to do it in Bash on the gateway?
Otherwise, you can manually specify to download the required image for testing purpose: loraedge/lorabasicsstationmodule:2.2.2-arm32v7
Can I specify this in the Azure Portal, or do I need to do it in Bash on the gateway?
Please share us the configuration you are using in the portal for the module.
Thank you for your continued support on my issue. I am very excited to get this working for my Lora IOT network.
I have been following these instructions.
Here is the hardware config and setup.
`Rasp Pi 2B Pi OS Lite 32bit Debian Bulllseye Seeed WM1302
sudo raspi-config Endable SPI interface Endable IC2 interface
sudo apt update sudo apt install -y git cd ~ git clone cd ~/sx1302_hal make
curl > ./packages-microsoft-prod.deb sudo apt-get install ./packages-microsoft-prod.deb sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install moby-engine sudo curl -L -o aziot-identity-service.deb && sudo apt-get install ./aziot-identity-service.deb sudo curl -L -o aziot-edge.deb && sudo apt-get install ./aziot-edge.deb
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo iotedge system status System services: aziot-edged Running aziot-identityd Running aziot-keyd Running aziot-certd Running aziot-tpmd Ready `
The script that ran when I clicked "Deploy to Azure" setup the devices in my IOTHub. I note that one of the devices is a concentrator (my Seeed WM1302?). The device twin shows it being a 1301, NOT a 1302.
Apologies for not seeing the issue earlier, are you still trying to fix it?
Did you try to run "docker pull loraedge/lorabasicsstationmodule:2.2.2-arm32v7" on your target device?
No, I bailed on the project.
Understood, sorry we did not see the request earlier, have a great weekend!