Tabis Kabis

Results 12 comments of Tabis Kabis

Not entirely sure, but it says "Support surrogate pairs" in their

Once again, i've stumbled over this issue. It's still unfixed. This time, i've frankensteined fumiyas libiconv by including its utf8mac.h in the curent gnu libiconv and compile that. the resulting...

yes it does, but i could not compile it. so i simply copied that file into gnu libiconv, which i'm able to compile. DANG yesss! i just compiled rsync with...

It is not fixed. Try to sync a file named "Mäc🤬OS.txt" from a Mac to any non-mac system and try to open it in a terminal, **without** copy-pasting the filename...

The pointer would have to change before the drag/resize action, i.e. when the modifier key(s) are pressed. Else it has no informational value. Since I am using cmd as sole...

Extremely glad to have found this app. I've immediatly started using it all the time on a 2015 MBP with 2x 120 Hz monitors. Only improvement i can think of...

Last time I saw it was doing anything at all, it was memory access violations :)

In linux OpenSSH, i have 6+ keys in the ssh-agent, which usualy is too many. So i use `-o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i` (prepared the config file for convenience) to nail...

Whoops, grave mistake in my original post, now corrected. The issue only happens when switching from PC to Mac, where the Mac version of display-switch commands the monitors to switch...

Update for that: seems to be a timing issue on MacOS (i'm still on Mojave). Issue solved by making on_usb_connect execute a script which issues the switch commands in parallel...