Can we get rid of AncientWarfareNpcFactionStandings.cfg from player accessible configs - it must be the biggest source of confusion for users ever. Since none of it works and is only...
Both the mob spawner wand and the loot spawner wand pick up entities they shouldnt if accidentally clicked on - like AW gates, item frames, etc - anyway to prevent...
When using a siege engine in multiplayer, its possible for a non-allied player to sneak up and pack up the siege engines (ballistae, rams etc) that a player is currently...
For awhile now there have been a few reports about friendly Tribe and Nations npc's (Nogg/Ents/Guardians etc) suddenly starting to attack players who have not harmed them in any way...
In testing the new previewer for survival builds, general reaction was that its excellent. But "freebie" items such as AW furnishings appear on the ingredients lists for the structure building...
Dont count friendly NPC's in structures as entities that must be killed to take the Protection Flag
Some hostile structures have dungeon cell blocks that contain friendly npc's (captured and held in cells) that if freed will help the player attack the hostiles. But - the Protection...
Structure SFX do not play on new world load, or when generating new chunks on existing world, when sfx in structure sound blocks are set to "play on player entry"...
Rotation problem on all structures - old scans, new scans, makes no difference. Torches, doors, paintings, frames etc ping off walls. Also reports of mine rails spawning wrong on certain...
At the moment structure builders can only specify 1 "must have" mod in the mod ID line for dedicated support. It would be useful to be able to specify a...
The code that recognises tamed versions of hostile mobs, that are owned by players, that is applied to player owned npc's so that they do not attack them, should also...