Sorry, but AW2 does not touch or spawn anything in dimensions that are not the overworld. This is not something we will be changing and there is no overall config...
You should go talk to the MC Eternal modpack team. AW2 isnt responsible for what happens when a modpack tries to combine lots of incompatible mods together. This seems to...
Without a crash log how would we know that? Might be that you are using the same combination of mods.
Good catch - fixed for next update
We dont debug modpacks. Best talk to the people who wrote it. Minecraft Forge version:1.12.2- is reported to cause problems, drop down to Minecraft Forge version:1.12.2-
None of these: Ancient Warfare 2 version:1.12.2 Minecraft Forge version: Are not real version numbers - please supply the correct version numbers you are using.
This is not an AW2 issue.
This is nonsense.
We do not give support for modpacks. AW2 I&F mod support structures will not spawn if you dont have I&F mod loaded. So the mod pack maker has interfered somehow...
Also, you are using a forge version noted to cause problems, drop to one lower.