
Results 509 comments of Sandro

Is there any progress here?

Just change the shebang to ``#!/usr/bin/env python3`` instead of wracking entire python 2.

This sounds like a perfect match for live restore.

Bump. I would need this for darwin but I am not familiar with rust at all.

The current download URL of the font is `` which can't be easily updated. If it would be uploaded to assets like it is done here it could be...

> What makes it hard to update this way? The URL has a random number after files which would need a custom update script to get. When uploaded to assets...

Then you moved the files into the wrong box. The box to upload assets is below the text box.

Is there any progress on this in the meantime? I even encounter a few seconds wait time with very short makefiles which need to run commands for variables. Can command...