
Results 529 comments of Sandro

that crashes ``` result_proxy.key: The value has to be one of these types/values: None, bytes Traceback (most recent call last): File "/nix/store/jwlbsx4y20r9nxcv985v3kkqgjl16mnx-python3-3.10.5-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/searx/", line 28, in settings = settings_set_defaults(settings) File "/nix/store/jwlbsx4y20r9nxcv985v3kkqgjl16mnx-python3-3.10.5-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/searx/",...

This is a bug in lxml version 4.3.4 which fritzconnection required before [1.0.0]( So to fix this we either need [fritzconnection 0.8.5 with a newer lxml requirement]( or an update...

Sorry for the comment spam but I thought most of those are useful and prevent common mistakes and pitfalls. :) Also to easily do dev you could just copy in...

I usually get git repos in docker container by one of those two ways: ```` RUN apk add git && git clone --depth=1 something /app && RUN pip3 install -r...

> generate sha256 hashes, for example sha256sum or shasum -a 256 Nix hashes are nar hashes which are not (always) compatible to shasum hashes.

Just replace ```` in your inputs with ``import (import ./nix/sources.nix).nixpkgs { }``

Also the channels contain programs.sqlite which I want on a non nixos system.

Gitea is not a filetype for which I would like an icon, it is a git forge like GitHub and Gitea. More information can be found on their homepage

bat is cat with some fancy extras like line numbers and syntax highlighting