Francisco Pina-Martins

Results 38 comments of Francisco Pina-Martins

+1 for trapping `ctrl c`. The current keybinding work well enough for me, but I suppose this new proposal is more intuitive. In order to make accidental quitting more difficult,...

The link clicking works on the notification in gnome-shell though. Sometimes (I don't know the criteria for this to happen) it works on enlightenment's terminal emulator - terminology. I never...

@IGLOU-EU, here is the RSS feed for the gitlab repository: That's for commits. If you prefer releases, this is the URL: Was this what you were looking for?

Just to add my +1 to have zsh support in finalterm. =-)

I suppose that if someone is pushing something to the repository that is being "tested", then there is interest in at least part of the analyses that comprises it. Whoever...

I have further figured out that `mark.markers` (from `tre.draw()`) is returning an empty list (is this intended?). Also, `marker` from `canvas.legend([("text", marker)])` expects a string that looks like XML ```...

Ok, so I was unable to obtain a `marker` object from *toytree*, but I managed to work around the issue by using *toyplot*'s `marker.create()` to create a `marker` object using...

Thanks! >The legend creation in toyplot is not super intuitive. Saving the marker objects and passing them to the legend function is easiest, but not always doable when you have...

Just tried it: ``` francisco@VoidCaster [23:19:40] [~/Desktop] -> $ ./fastqt-0.1-linux-x86_64.AppImage This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "". Available...