Francisco Pina-Martins

Results 38 comments of Francisco Pina-Martins

`apt-get` will not save me here, since I'm on Archlinux. ``` francisco@VoidCaster [23:46:56] [~] -> $ lsb_release -a LSB Version: 1.4 Distributor ID: Arch Description: Arch Linux Release: rolling Codename:...

As promised, I have compiled from source and everything works on Archlinux. I have also created a [PKGBUILD and fastqt is now available on the AUR](

@dridk - confirming that the appimage now work on archlinux. I will also update the PKGBUILD for version 0.2 and report back once it's done.

Haha, funny you should ask. Just saw the release tweet and I was already making it! Cheers! And here it is:

I'd just like to add 2 thing to the discussion: 1. It is recommended to use `ssh -Y` instead of `ssh -X` for security reasons (please check ssh's man page...

I can confirm this, on Single end GBS data. I have found a BLAST hit to a mitochondrial sequence, so I was naturally expecting no heterozygous on this locus. However,...

I just re-ran using `ipyrad` 0.6.8 and the issue remains...

@isaacovercast I sent you a link to the hdf5 file via gitter private chat. This is SE GBS data.