Steve Townsend
Steve Townsend
Nexus request, seems reasonable > I would like to have an option to ignore the settings in inventory excess management, for items in whte list and collections, if possible toggable...
From [Fusion39730]( > I would like to see is the option to manually grab stuff from a player home. I have 10+ homes, I use one. It would be nice...
This would enable more code to be pulled from script to C++ but it's complex - need to inventory _CatchData_ FLSTs and resolve the ACTIs in them, and only script...
e.g Firewood and Vegetables during the relevant Favor QUSTs. Manual or automated review needed to inventory the cases.
Nexus Bugs tab report from [realkodijack]( > the moment SmartHarvest is enabled, one can't distribute skill-points when leveling up anymore hence breaking said mod. > Problem is repeatable. Mod is...

Nexus request, edge case > I want to make containers that contain crafting items (leather/ingots) glow if they are owned by an NPC but I would like to take them...
Nexus report from user [vithmiel]( > I was getting consistent CTDs when I load in today. Not always immediately, but when I start doing anything (fighting, getting close to something,...
Nexus report from [Bayerithe]( > This time i'm going to do a game without LOTD but with the mod : [Hall of the Dovahkiin - A Hatchdoor Standalone Museum at...
Nexus bug report from GhostWalker71 > I found a few items that behave like the bleeding crown. So it appears the bleeding crown is processed correctly until it reaches...