This is happening rarerly theese days... sometime they still explode somehow resulting in quick mission complete. And their "convoy" order is oftenly a mess.
Importing WotP method is the solution, as Barbolani said we need to spawn unit by unit, not entire groups
i think i confused issues
Also a roadblock appearing closeby a controlled and garrisoned area isn't optimal: the garrison will have to fight everytime the area is cached in causing several losses. Probably the best... As for Roadblocks. restricted to once a time
On Warlords of the Pacific AI are going to loot all the weapons and bring them one by one into the selected Truck... the problem is they're only looting weapons...
WotP autoloot, infact pick up mainly weapons... but vests, ammo, helmets, smokerounds are also very important
i'd say low priority ;)
ugh no.. in that way people who give custom loadout to AI will have problems if AI just decide to take another vest with not useful equipment in it... it's...
Indeed it need a check on landing position, we have it on NATO air assault... the problem is that sometime wind move parachutes away... so probably there should be also...