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Roadblocks spawning inappropriate position
Had a rude encounter when I was driving a captured supply truck to Zaros which was under FIA control. Turned a corner and there's a freaking checkpoint in the middle of town. Apparently the map frontline rendering thing ran the front line right through Zaros.
I can see enemies placing checkpoints on the outskirts of towns to "contain" them but I think it should avoid placing them directly in the centre.
Thanks for the suggestion. The frontline is generated based locations owned by sides. Not all of them: cities, roadblocks and hilltops are ignored, so, as you've seen, a frontline can go through a city. But this can be altered, for example we can ignore enemy cities, but take into account friendly cities. Then, indeed, you would be able to see roadblocks "containing" FIA towns. I don't have much time to playtest this now, but you can try to change the criteria in this file at lines 26-27 and see what happens:
Also a roadblock appearing closeby a controlled and garrisoned area isn't optimal: the garrison will have to fight everytime the area is cached in causing several losses.
Probably the best would be: roadblock position is defined, enemy send truck from nearest outpost to set it up when the area is cached in, only then it will be placed... who knows much work to do on it, not gonna happen in near future