Sjors Provoost

Results 275 comments of Sjors Provoost

I spun up a seed at ``. It's crawling and filling up `dnsseed.dump`, ~but doesn't seem to return any DNS records yet~.

My last change introduced some whitespace fixes by my editor. Let me know if those need removing...

Google prominently returns this Github issue, but not the blog itself. You may want to link to it in the Issue description:

- [x] require explicit `public`, `private`, `external` or `internal` See ConsenSys [best practices]( Or is there any situation where this is not possible?

- [ ] a function with `returns` should actually `return` for each code path, and should return the correct type - [ ] a function without `returns` should not have...

@sebrk at the moment the development branch is the most recent: Here are the most up to date installation instructions (if I'm not mistaken):

E.g. for the latest release, this will do the trick: ``` sh git tag -a v0.0.6 ff53d0a09 git push --tags ``` This makes it easier to tell which commit corresponds...

Just note that `getblockfrompeer` doesn't wait for the block and doesn't fail if a given peer doesn't have it. So you'll have to work around that, or improve the RPC.