## Description As an admin, I want to be able to invite vc's directly from my Space Community page ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] "+ Invite Virtual Contributor" button...
**Describe the bug** When I click on the "Invite External VC" button in Space > Community, I get the following dialog, with title "Add member" **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce...
## Description As a user, I get confused when I see the button asking me to become a member when it's unclear to me why I need to ## Acceptance...
## Description As a user, I don't know what to do with these buttons and it makes the whole page to look more complex ## Acceptance criteria - [ ]...
## Description As an admin, I want to be able to prevent subspace events from being promoted on the space dashboard ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] In the Allowed...
## Description Placeholder for time needed to finalize and test the subspace templates flows when it's complete ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] ... ## Additional Context Flow: ##...
## Description As an admin of an org, I want to get a flow that works for me when I create a VC As a user with admin access to...
## Description As a user, I don't see the purpose of having a title/description here (only visible for admins) + I want this dialog (as all others) to be as...
**Describe the bug** After inserting a link with the link button, I can not click this button for a link elsewhere in the text. It seems like it stays active...
## Description As a Space admin, I want to be able to set a default template for new Subspaces ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Change Default Settings block to:...