## Description We need an Authorization (Checking) Service that is horizontally scalable and stateless, so that it can enable extracting other microservices from the Server. ## Goal We have enabled...
## Description The current usage of organizations causes a lot of confusion: - Profiles suggest huge organizations are partnering with Alkemio, when actually there are just very specific teams or...
## Description With such a big change as the Subspaces bring, quite a few findings that need fixing are expected. This epic is a bucket for gathering all non-urgent things....
## Description Templates are key to using Alkemio. They help users to efficiently set up collaboration, inspire action, and learn from best practices. Adding Callouts will significantly help users to...
## Description _Brief summary of what this Epic is, whether it's a larger project, goal, or user story. Describe the job to be done, which persona this Epic is mainly...
## Description As our user base is growing, so is the need for proper (help) documentation on the platform. Preferrably this is **fully integrated on the platform** - not the...
## Description Allowing users to actually pay end-end for Alkemio subscriptions ## Goal Revenue generation for sustainability ## Hypothesis A seamless but enforced set of plans is key for clarity...
## Description Licenses to use full feature definitions, including eg amount of members, whiteboards, etc. ## Goal Enforcing all parts of the space license ## Hypothesis _What is your hypothesis...
## Description Establishing a clear framework for management of licenses, that is flexible and leverages known / team understood patterns. Allowing a license policy to be created that understands a)...
## Description A bucket for all improvements on My Dashboard. ## Initiative / goal A clear, fast, inspiring Dashboard improves the user experience ### Hypothesis ## Acceptance criteria and must...