**Describe the bug** The fullscreen button on the whiteboards doesn't do anything when I click them on mobile. I've tried with both Safari and Chrome. iPhone SE (2020 I think)...
## Description As a user I want to be able to embed a video from youtube into my post. As a user with a new Space, seeing these cool Arcade...
## Description As an admin I want to show the events that are created in the subspace also on the space level ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Switch in...
## Description As an admin, I want to add links or upload documents to my event to give the community extra information ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Add references...
## Description When a Space is set to be private, people cannot be invited to subspaces directly. Therefore the option to allow subspace admins to invite to space is redundant,...
## Description As a user, I want to ensure that my VC isn't making things up. When I don't see a source, I get suspicious and want to understand why...
## Description The goal of this epic is to enable the team to deliver a powerful, polished, and comprehensive demonstration of the Virtual Contributor (VC) functionality on our platform. This...
## Description Empower users who are admins or hosts of an organization (or VC) on the platform to perform actions in the name of that organization. ## Goal _Describe how...
## Description Wouldn't it be great? Your Space, fully set up from the start. With the right Subspaces, the right collaboration tools, the right settings.. And maybe even adding some...
## Description For people exploring/evaluating the platform, the Explore Spaces page is one of the most interesting pages on the platform to visit. However, this page is currently not very...