
Results 193 issues of Simone

## Description As an admin, I want to add people that I'm inviting to a Space directly to a set of subspaces as well, instead of having to send multiple...

user story

## Description As a new user that is invited by someone else, I want to be guided onto the platform. Currently it is a long process that confuses me. ##...

user story
Product Team

## Description As a user, I want to see complete info on a card. WIth 5 different types of templates the innovation pack card is "full" and there's no room...

user story
Product Team

## Description As a user, I want to see all the templates that are available ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Add subspace templates to the "all available materials" block...

user story
Product Team

## Description As a user, I want to see all the templates that are available in my Space ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Add new block for Subspace Templates...

user story
Product Team

## Description As a user, I want to get a preview before I choose a specific subspace ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Use standard preview window with template info...

user story
Product Team

## Description As a user, I want to be able to use a subspace template when I create a subspace As a user, I want the design of the create...

user story
Rhea Team

## Description As an admin, I want to create subspace templates As an admin, I want to duplicate subspaces ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] In Space settings > Subspaces,...

user story
Product Team

## Description As an admin, I want to create subspace templates As an admin, I want to duplicate subspaces ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] In Subspace settings > settings,...

user story
Product Team

## Description As an admin, I want to have subspace templates in my innovation pack As a user, I want to see all the templates that are available ## Acceptance...

user story
Rhea Team