
Results 7 comments of Shubhamvithalani

@ROSnewbie How did you solved the previous error? Where you were unable to connect to move_base. Cause when I do rostopic list I can see the topics of /move_base/$(feedback, goal,...

> Hi, This package expects you to be using the move_base ROS service. Move_base is a component of the ROS Navigation stack (nav stack). The main way to do path...

@danielsnider I tried as you said and still was not able to connect to the server. I started the move_base node and this was the possible error/warning. > [ WARN]...

@danielsnider Actually I am working on Monocular ORB Slam2 from which we can get the trajectory traversed by the camera and localise ourselves in the map. Now I plan to...

@abylikhsanov Are you sure you have provided the right camera intrinsic parameters? Cause they might pose a problem. Type **rostopic echo /camera/rgb/camera_info** to get Intrinsic Parameters. Also make sure that...

@AlejandroSilvestri In the case of Monocular Camera, if the scale is arbitrary(different in every execution). Can we somehow know the scale of every initialisation??? Like can we get the scale...

So you take the output from sensor(odometry) in every initialisation for a fixed distance(possibly, like calibration) and determine the scale of that initialisation. And use the same for concurrent readings?