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Running ORB SLAM 2 on gazebo

Open abylikhsanov opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

How can I run the ORB SLAM 2 using gazebo simulation? I have used the direct command: rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Mono <TUM1> I have changed the camera topic and everything works fine except ORB SLAM can't initialize, it just holds on "Trying to initialize".

I have tried to jigger the robot a bit so ORB SLAM could catch the keypoints.

abylikhsanov avatar Oct 03 '18 18:10 abylikhsanov

@abylikhsanov Are you sure you have provided the right camera intrinsic parameters? Cause they might pose a problem. Type rostopic echo /camera/rgb/camera_info to get Intrinsic Parameters. Also make sure that objects around turtlebot are highly textured or else slam wont initialise.

Shubhamvithalani avatar Jan 28 '19 11:01 Shubhamvithalani