Results 7 issues of Shinn

**Describe the bug** 安雅的王公侍女:胸罩在与教导主任:夹克叠穿,且夹克半脱的情况下会穿模。 Anya's DVORYANSTVO's HANDMAID: BRA will breakthrough model if worn with the Dean of student: Jacket and the jacket is half dressed. **Expected behavior** A clear and...


**Describe the bug**

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] 当前版本(0.8.28a)中玩家每周可以获取的充值外洞察数量实在是太少了(每日任务和赞商店的2个),并且每周的研究进度限制也很低,并且更重要的一点是,玩家没有办法通过正常的游戏来更快的推进游戏进度,玩家在持续进行游戏的过程中只能累积‘赞’(同时还有等级提升带来的每周最大研究进度,不过每级增加1点实在是微乎其微),且‘赞’在游戏中只能在每周刷新的商店里购买少量的物品。作为赞助游戏还没多久的新玩家,我没办法体验游戏中的绝大部分内容,而且在理解了游戏中收集要素的获取方式后,我能计算出我解锁全部收集要素或许要花几个月以上的时间。我希望你们能明白现在只是封闭测试,而且是对付费支持的用户开放,这样的游戏进度获取速度实在是让人不能接受。 In the current...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] **Describe the solution you'd...

**Describe the solution you'd like** A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. 当前版本(0.8.28a)凸肚仅在场景内显示,在更衣室和主界面为正常身形,这严重降低了玩家对角色状态的沉浸感,希望能在后续版本将凸肚显示应用到全局。 In the current version (0.8.28a), the belly bulge state is only displayed in...

**Describe the bug** 夜总会的玻璃在角色视角侧对玻璃平面时会错误的显示镜头视角的内容,而非根据位置和角度显示反射的内容。 **Screenshots** If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. ![image]( ![FallenDoll 2024_7_25 21_51_50]( ![image]( ![FallenDoll 2024_7_25 21_42_06]( **Desktop (please complete the following information):** - OS:...

**Describe the bug** Elizabeth's outfit pieces not show Elizabeth's outfit pieces are not show in the changing room, not even in an unlocked state, like they don't exist in the...