
Results 11 issues of Shail

Hi, Is it possible to extract the classified sequence from kaiju output? Currently, we can get number of reads and percent of reads matched for a particular classified sequence (given...

Hi, Is there a way to just do binning with quality stats of the bins. I have cleaned my reads and co-assembled contig file (Done manually not via ATLAS). Can...

I have downloaded and creatd kraken database successfully..but when I run krakenunique to classify my sequence it shows error saying "krakenuniq: database ("/home/mcs/database/krakenunique/db") does not contain necessary file database.kdb" This...

Hi I would like to try Kingfisher package with a bunch of ENA and SRA files. I installed aspera connect and kingfisher. When I run it I get following error...

Hi, I get the following error when I run makefile `make g++ -std=c++11 -O3 utils/phist.cpp -o utils/phist g++ -std=c++11 -o utils/matcher -I./kmer-db/libs -O3 utils/matcher.cpp utils/input_file.cpp -lz make -C kmer-db make[1]:...

Hi, and many thanks for the excellent annotation tool. I have a query regarding viral AMG annotation. I have a bunch of viral contigs identified through metagenomics. The contigs were...


I imported tsv files as dataframe and created an R6 object. Everything goes smoothly till I calculate abundance and plot barplots. Here when I specify a taxrank the plot will...


Hi, Thanks for the pipeline. It made my work easy. I am interested in identifying iron siderophore synthesis in my metagenomic samples. When I run the fegenie pipeline without **--all_results**...

Hi, Thank you for all the hard work with this great tool. I successfully ran galah with the following parameters: galah cluster --genome-fasta-directory binning/mags/setA \ --genome-fasta-extension fasta --threads 30 \...

`python3 run_finder-mf metadata.csv \ -g bin.masked.fasta \ -out_dir /finder_out/ \ -gm /home/soft/GeneMark-ESETEP.4.69/ \ -gml /home/soft/GeneMark-ESETEP.4.69/gm_key_64 \ -om PLANTS \ -n 30` It downloads the docker image successfully and then throws...