microeco copied to clipboard
cal_abund, trans_abund$new and plot_bar does shows all classification in legends
I imported tsv files as dataframe and created an R6 object. Everything goes smoothly till I calculate abundance and plot barplots. Here when I specify a taxrank the plot will show all classifications pretending to that taxrank. e.g.
using delete_full_prefix = TRUE/FALSE in plot_bar does not make any difference
Hi, I can not make sure where the issue come from. Could you please provide more information, such as the codes you used and your microtable object dataset?
hi, Here is the data file data.zip
Hi, It is the prefix issue in the taxonomic table. In your tax_table of 'ms2', the prefix is like "k_" and "g_". In the previous version, this case was not covered in the function tidy_taxonomy function. However, double underlines are necessary in the functions of trans_abund. Now two solutions:
- The function tidy_taxonomy has been optimized. Try to reinstall the microeco package from github. Then run your codes from this line: taxa2 %<>% tidy_taxonomy
- If you donnot want to reinstall the package, you can change your prefix in taxa2 or ms2$tax_table to the format with double underlines, such as changing "k_" to "k__".
Thanks. I re-installed the microeco package and now the taxa labels are good