There has been a [few]( [suggestions]( about rideability, but I'm intrigued about a feature of being rideable by other mobs? Not exactly sure how it will work, but; **-** Initiating...
**Bug description** Occuring in _identity-2.3.0_. GIF provided. EDIT 2: Updated GIF. Max HP lower than default is not updated visually until damage/healing is taken, where the animation reveals the full...
With _hostilesIgnoreHostileIdentityPlayer_ set to true and tested on Fabric 1.18.1. _(mod .jar file is identity-1.16.0-1.18.1)_ When an entity-based ability damages or kills a hostile mob or two, only the mobs...
**Bug description** I've seen this happen in the Fabric 1.18.1 version of the mod. Not sure about other versions. Tested only in **Singleplayer**. _(I'm a loner.)_ If you use an...
I'm not sure if L4D2 is gonna be supported to the extent of crash fixes for CS:GO H++, but whenever H++ tries to load a **hybridphysx** prop on either the...
Tested with **-noaddons** and **-noworkshop** Saving using the legacy HL2 save file system crashes GMod with Volt physics. This is significant for the HL2 campaign maps as they make use...