VPhysics-Jolt copied to clipboard
[GMod x64] Crashing on legacy HL2 saving/changelevels
Tested with -noaddons and -noworkshop
Saving using the legacy HL2 save file system crashes GMod with Volt physics. This is significant for the HL2 campaign maps as they make use of logic_autosave which forces saves to be made. logic_autosave's Save and SaveDangerous inputs, and the save console command were observed to be affected. The trigger_changelevel entities used often in the campaign maps also crash on attempt to change map.
Extra note: In a quick test of loading save files made with normal VPhysics into Volt, GMod doesn't crash, but physics objects were frozen and physics ragdolls' models were crushed into 0, 0, 0, the map origin.
Crash dumps of both methods just in-case: crashes.zip
vanilla vphysics and vphysics jolt save completely different data into the save file, they are not cross-compatible
Save files are not compatible.
I understand why you may not support legacy save files as it's deprecated by GMod saves, but this issue also extends to autosaving, which occurs regularly in campaign levels with autosave entities without the player's input. Unless the user is savvy enough to remove the autosave entities either manually or automatically they'll likely find these levels crashing for no reason with VJolt. If these legacy saves can't be disabled for some reason, a warning would at least suffice.
Sorry I thought this issue was about loading regular vphysics saves into vphysics jolt. Regular saving is supported but loading ivp into jolt is not.
The same thing happens for legacy HL1 maps aswell, so this hints that many maps that transition to other ones will have the same issue, i wonder if there is a fix for this.