Sérgio Agostinho

Results 15 issues of Sérgio Agostinho

The code is pretty similar and can be probably reduced by simply making a change to its signature with default initializers. ``` cpp bool addPlane (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, double x...

good first issue
module: visualization
kind: todo

Spoke too soon, as usual. ``` $ bin/pcl_sim_test_simple ../test/colored_cloud.pcd Manually generate a simulated RGB-D point cloud using pcl::simulation. For more information, use: bin/pcl_sim_test_simple -h Status: Using GLEW 2.1.0 OpenGL 2.0...

needs: testing
platform: macos
module: simulation

1. Moved logo icon from packaging content to a formal asset of the application, since the notification image benefits all Linux users, regardless of the installation method; 2. Renamed the...

In this PR I'm proposing to create a const qualified `get` for `Buffer` and remove the explicitly named `get_const` method. It's unconventional to provide a const version of the same...

image-matching-toolbox/immatch/utils/data_io.py:31: DeprecationWarning: BICUBIC is deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 10 (2023-07-01). Use Resampling.BICUBIC instead. Here is the offending line https://github.com/GrumpyZhou/image-matching-toolbox/blob/main/immatch/utils/data_io.py#L31 The Resampling enum was added in Pillow 9.1.0....

I've bumped against this one last year, but forgot to report it back then. ## Your Environment * Operating System and version: Mac OSX 10.11.6 * Compiler: LLVM Clang 3.8...

platform: macos

E.g. https://github.com/SergioRAgostinho/zhou-accv-2018/blob/2fee2e7200f6293bfb7c4faa2379245f3f5b172b/examples/p3p.py#L28-L30 Everything in this repo is about minimal problems.

Fixes #329. Credits for @aichim, @jpapon and @taketwo . Added unit test for XYZ point types. Still have some doubts: - `pcl::registration::CorrespondenceEstimation` seems to support with all point types. Is...

needs: code review

## What changes are proposed in this pull request? Fixes #4203. The method [_rotation_matrix_from_vectors](https://github.com/voxel51/fiftyone/blob/7bea0c2b4aae5cad19d84c1ac49e0baa65fbe817/fiftyone/utils/utils3d.py#L777-L786) is ill-defined and returnes `NaN` when the angle between `vec1` and `vec2` was 0º or 180º....

### Describe the problem The method [`_rotation_matrix_from_vectors`](https://github.com/voxel51/fiftyone/blob/7bea0c2b4aae5cad19d84c1ac49e0baa65fbe817/fiftyone/utils/utils3d.py#L777-L786) is ill-defined and returns `NaN` when the angle between `vec1` and `vec2` is 180º. From a geometrical standpoint the issue is being cause...
