Sérgio Agostinho

Results 15 issues of Sérgio Agostinho

### Proposal Summary Add support for rendering `fiftyone.Segmentation` when the corresponding `Sample` is a pointcloud/pcd file. Currently, semantic segmentation needs to baked into the point cloud's RGB fields. This has...


You seem to have an OpenCV dependency required to compile your layers, that you're not declaring in your README.md. https://github.com/yuxng/PoseCNN/blob/9f3dd7b7bce21dcafc05e8f18ccc90da3caabd04/lib/make_one.sh#L13-L14 Specifically the flags. ``` -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_core ``` [... and...

Hey Alexander, I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but it is suspicious enough to open the issue. Have a look at https://github.com/alexander-vakhitov/pnpl/blob/8cdd2be08184bf78cd82d12b1b97ba8f5386de28/model/%2Bmodel/setup_methods.m#L6-L7 `EPnP_GN` is also invoking...

Pybind's addmodule does not take include directories as inputs. It consumes source .cpp files. On my system this was generating the following error ``` -- Configuring done CMake Error at...

Just logging some problems I've discovered. I've been going over the data preparation instructions for megadepth and noticed that Option 1 is not really an option. https://github.com/dvl-tum/gomatch/blob/3cd031d5910d0fddf6d4cbaf2fc45fade2d6269a/tools/README.md?plain=1#L25-L31 If you follow...