Jordi Boggiano

Results 510 comments of Jordi Boggiano

I'm not really maintaining this anymore but if you do get this in php it'd be great and please let me know, having support for this in composer would be...

If you like I can also just give you access to this repo if you'd like to make changes. Everything seemed reasonable until now, and frankly I don't have so...

You can just create branches in your repo based on this one: `git checkout -b patch-branch Seldaek/master` will do that, assuming you have a Seldaek upstream. Anyway I don't think...

I think it should be taken into account because it can happen that hot code does check for a class's presence, and it would suck if the autoloader can't handle...

I sort of agree, but how do you quantify file_exists calls then? That's pretty hard. I think it has to remain fairly realistic to have any value. But yeah maybe...

@schmittjoh how about checking if the controller class exists already before requiring the file? I'm not sure why the bundle requires them instead of relying on autoloading anyway? Obviously this...

@PhilETaylor no worries, thanks for spotting. should fix this I hope :)

Upvote from me.. just had the issue where and outdated commented-out block containing an invalid URL triggered an error, this shouldn't happen ideally.

I'd support this, I had to disable embedded stylesheets for IE8 as a result of this issue

Hopefully fixed by #10988 - it'd be great to get confirmation that things work well now with the latest snapshot (`composer self-update --snapshot`)