Viktor Scharf
Viktor Scharf
user uploads file with content "01234" in 5 chunks -> it means that he sends 5 times PatchRequest. But we don't check that evert requests get us 204
a couple more questions about SSE: 1. a set of events such as editing the contents of a file, copying a file, etc. are called as `postprocessing-finished` . is it...
re-tested. I got 409 error. Probably we fixed it. but api tests still fail ``` curl -ks -ueinstein:relativity -X COPY -H "DESTINATION:https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/a0ca6a90-a365-4782-871e-d44447bbc668$a0ca6a90-a365-4782-871e-d44447bbc668/f1" https://localhost:9200/dav/spaces/6ffe6045-c967-44ef-8210-0b269eaeabc6%244c510ada-c86b-4815-8820-42cdf82c3d51/New%20file.txt -v | xmllint --format - * SSL...
great job 👍 maybe we could change Given steps for e2e tests? example @saw-jan do we have task for that?
fix here
Space member can send the url of the space, like: https://host.docker.internal:9200/files/spaces/project/s1 if another space member has access -> space should be open
> You should stop ocis and try again. oops, right! might we write it to the docs? or it's obvious and I didn't know it?
@micbar should we rewrite `ocis.yaml` after password change? if not -> we should change docs:
1. get containerId: `docker ps` 2. run the command: `docker exec -it containerId ocis idm resetpassword`
After discussion with @individual-it we decided to implement the new sharing ng tests separately from the existing api tests. adapting new api to existing tests can be complicated and slow...