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[QA] Use SharingNG to share/list resources in the Given/Then steps
We are moving from OCS sharing to SharingNG for resource sharing. So let's slowly start using SharingNG in the Given steps to share resource.
Open Tasks:
- [ ] share using SharingNg in the Given steps
- Resource sharing
And user "Alice" has sent the following share invitation: | resource | <resource-name> | | space | <space-name> | | sharee | <sharee-name> | | shareType | <user|group> | | permissionsRole | <permissions-role> |
- Link creation
And user "Alice" has created the following link share: | resource | <resource-name> | | space | <space-name> | | permissionsRole | <permissions-role> | | password | <password> | | expirationDateTime | <datetime> | | displayName | <link-name> |
- [ ] check Then steps (need to be careful)
NOTE: ocs sharing in When steps should not be changed (Keep ocs sharing suites)
Check over these files
- [x] apiAntivirus/antivirus.feature https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/8914 https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9024
- [x] apiArchiver/downloadById.feature (@Salipa-Gurung) https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/8965
- [x] apiArchiver/downloadByPath.feature (@Salipa-Gurung ) https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/8990
- [x] apiContract/propfind.feature @S-Panta https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9017
- [x] apiContract/sharesReport.feature @Salipa-Gurung https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9045
- [x] apiContract/spacesSharesReport.feature @S-Panta https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9023
- [x] apiDepthInfinity/propfind.feature @S-Panta https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9019
- [x] apiDownloads/download.feature @Salipa-Gurung https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9027
- [x] apiDownloads/spaceDownload.feature @Salipa-Gurung https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9027
- [x] apiGraph/enforcePasswordPublicLink.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9040
- [x] apiGraph/userGDPRExport.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9040
- [x] apiGraphUserGroup/deleteGroup.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9016
- [x] apiGraphUserGroup/deleteUser.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9016
- [ ] apiLocks/lockFiles.feature @S-Panta https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9055
- [ ] apiLocks/unlockFiles.feature @S-Panta https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9063
- [ ] apiNotification @S-Panta https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9081
- [ ] apiReshare/resharing.feature (SKIP for Now)
- [x] apiSearch1/dateSearch.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9057
- [x] apiSearch1/Search.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9057
- [x] apiSearch2/mediaTypeSearch.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9060
- [x] apiSearch2/tagSearch.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9060
- [x] apiSearchContent/contentSearch.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9061
- [ ] apiSpaces/changeSpaces.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/disableAndDeleteSpaces.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/editPublicLinkOfSpace.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/filePreviews.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/listSpaces.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/publicLink.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/removeSpaceObjects.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/restoreSpaces.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/setQuota.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/tag.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/trashBin.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/tusUpload.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpaces/uploadSpaces.feature @Salipa-Gurung
- [ ] apiSpacesDavOperation/copyByFileId.feature
- [ ] apiSpacesDavOperation/fileVersionByFileID.feature
- [ ] apiSpacesDavOperation/getFileByFileId.feature
- [ ] apiSpacesDavOperation/moveByFileId.feature
- [ ] apiSpacesDavOperation/propfindByFileId.feature
- [ ] apiSpacesDavOperation/updateFileByFileId.feature
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/changingFilesShare.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9080
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/checksum.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9080
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/copySpaces.feature @grgprarup https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9080
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/etagPropagation.feature @grgprarup
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/favorite.feature @grgprarup
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/moveSpaces.feature @grgprarup
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/publicLinkDownload.feature @grgprarup
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/shareOperations.feature @grgprarup
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/shareSpaces.feature @grgprarup
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/shareSpacesViaLink.feature @grgprarup
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/shareSubItemOfSpace.feature @grgprarup
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/shareSubItemOfSpaceViaPublicLink.feature @grgprarup
- [ ] apiSpacesShares/shareUploadTUS.feature @grgprarup
- [ ] coreApiFavorites/favoritesSharingToShares.feature
- [ ] coreApiMain/checksums.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareCreateSpecialToShares2/createShareGroupAndUserWithSameName.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareCreateSpecialToShares2/createShareReceivedInMultipleWays.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareManagementBasicToShares/deleteShareFromShares.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareManagementToShares/acceptShares.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareManagementToShares/acceptSharesToSharesFolder.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareManagementToShares/moveReceivedShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareManagementToShares/moveShareInsideAnotherShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares1/accessToShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares1/changingFilesShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares1/gettingShares.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares1/gettingSharesPendingFiltered.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares1/gettingSharesReceivedFiltered.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares1/gettingSharesReceivedFilteredEmpty.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares1/gettingSharesSharedFiltered.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares1/gettingSharesSharedFilteredEmpty.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares2/getWebDAVSharePermissions.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares2/shareAccessByID.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareOperationsToShares2/uploadToShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiSharePublicLink1/accessToPublicLinkShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiSharePublicLink1/changingPublicLinkShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiSharePublicLink1/createPublicLinkShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiSharePublicLink1/deletePublicLinkShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiSharePublicLink2/copyFromPublicLink.feature
- [ ] coreApiSharePublicLink2/multilinkSharing.feature
- [ ] coreApiSharePublicLink2/updatePublicLinkShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiSharePublicLink2/uploadToPublicLinkShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareUpdateToShares/updateShare.feature
- [ ] coreApiShareUpdateToShares/updateShareGroupAndUserWithSameName.feature
- [ ] coreApiTrashbin/trashbinFilesFolders.feature
- [ ] coreApiTrashbin/trashbinSharingToShares.feature
- [ ] coreApiVersions/fileVersionAuthor.feature
- [ ] coreApiVersions/fileVersions.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavEtagPropagation1/deleteFileFolder.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavEtagPropagation1/moveFileFolder.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavEtagPropagation2/copyFileFolder.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavEtagPropagation2/createFolder.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavEtagPropagation2/upload.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavMove2/moveShareOnOcis.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavOperations/listFiles.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavOperations/propfind.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavPreviews/previews.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavProperties/copyFile.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavProperties/createFileFolderWhenSharesExist.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavProperties/getFileProperties.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavProperties/getQuota.feature
- [ ] coreApiWebdavProperties/setFileProperties.feature
- [ ]
What about sharing spaces? @saw-jan
What about sharing spaces? @saw-jan
All sharing Given steps need to be done using graphAPI wherever possible
@saw-jan should this acceptance/features/apiReshare/resharing.feature
file be refactored?
@saw-jan should this
file be refactored?
Let's skip that one for now
I think anyone working in this issue, it would be easier to work as folderwise.
The sharing steps have changed. Please be aware of the new available steps: https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/pull/9097
CC @grgprarup @Salipa-Gurung @S-Panta
The sharing steps have changed. Please be aware of the new available steps: #9097
CC @grgprarup @Salipa-Gurung @S-Panta
The available steps are updated at the top of this issue.
- [ ] Cleanup leftovers and step implementation @grgprarup
let's wait for removal of ocs sharing for this.
we can close this if all suites and features have been through
The graph API
steps are used instead of the sharing API
in the given
steps. All the suites are covered and related PRs are merged so closing this issue.
great job 👍 maybe we could change Given steps for e2e tests? example https://github.com/owncloud/web/blob/master/tests/e2e/support/api/share/share.ts#L35-L67 @saw-jan do we have task for that?
do we have task for that?
I don't remember any ticket. If we want to go full-on with sharingNG in e2e then I can create one.
Anyway, I created the one. https://github.com/owncloud/web/issues/10949