For the Data Dictionary module, can we add the response values for a given variable as a new column in the table (ie: ENUM: Yes, No, Maybe). To be added...
**Describe the bug** When searching for previously saved queries, it becomes very cumbersome to scroll down the queries if a field has a lot of fields. A solution to this...
**Describe the bug** When updating a ticket in the Issue Tracker, the 'Assignee' will appear empty and the ticket will not update until a selection is made. No warning or...
Once a user makes a selection, whether intentionally or by mistake, the user is forced to commit to one of the options and has no way of reverting back to...
[bvl_feedback] no Field Names populate in drop-down menu when trying to add instrument-level feedback (not an issue on IBIS prod and ibis-dev; issue on test-loris) Issue on ibis-dev & test.loris...
For the DQT, when a user is on the 'Define Fields' section, a button or feature to toggle the 'Category' display between backend instrument names and 'Standard' instrument names would...
'Data Dictionary (Legacy)' ( loads displaying fields, but upon selecting an instrument, fields are no longer displayed (see screenshots). **Before selecting instrument:** **After selecting instrument:** **Related to:** -
On the 'My Tasks' widget on the LORIS Dashboard, the option for 'Your assigned issues' should be highlighted (Set in Bold or other) and if possible, brought to the top...
Linking in one place the various feature proposals for the Issue Tracker and current progress on some of these suggestions: - [x] Make attachment visible - resolved by #8346 ?...
For the Issue Tracker, add dropdown field to select the ‘Instrument’ from a drop down of all instruments. **Related to:** - - -