there is another submission showing VALIDATING: `65d67ba1b73c7400016aa81a`. @karatugo, can you please look into this?
@karatugo The submission (65f9de3adb8d9f0001966a07) is under embargo, so the sumstats files are not in public FTP. In production, only some GCSTs have files in the folder. When I checked, the...
Lizzy created this ticket. I am not able to check it in the depocuration app, as it shows an error while trying to login.
@sajo-ebi The user submitted pre-published submission (gwas-subs #613211) and later added the PMID (I am not sure when exactly the PMID was added). This submission appears in the list of...
@sajo-ebi. I have now updated the EFOs for this PMID. Could you please re-publish the studies (except the study id:101064081)
Yes, all the required studies are published, and study id 101064081 is not published. Thank you.
@sajo-ebi The additional studies are now added and published, but the for sumstat submission is missing the download submission button
@sajo-ebi For this, initially, there were only 3 studies published. After a request from the author, I added 7 more studies and published them. But when I downloaded the submission,...
The submission status after importing shows 'CURATION COMPLETE' (, but the imported studies are not seen in the curation app
@sajo-ebi This was done before we started adding reported traits in the depo-curation app. All the traits were added in the curation app at that time. In the UI all...