using 3.10 i get this error: ``` error: legacy-install-failure × Encountered error while trying to install package. ╰─> Heatshrink ```
Maybe some sort of toggle/tag. Have one for Retired and Dead. And have the default view filter those two tags out.
> Requesting the option to allow users to enter adventure code, hours & title to persist through their instance & generate a ticket for the admin to approve and add...
Thank you. I appreciate you taking time to reply and to inform us on the current technical limitations that prevent this. I feel you have gone above and beyond with...
@maynardj1 is correct, the official stance is the newest printing of any rules or spells is the official wording. This becomes an issue for those who use this and play...
> I created a character last month for Season 11 rules (changes to earning DT). Unfortunately, since there is not a logsheet format for Season 11, I chose the Season...
Is the description of the story reward something that can be done? I am worried about copyright violations.
~~I think there is a difference between users enter the information in themselves, vs having that information filled in already...~~ ~~Unless.... are you thinking about just like the magic items...
When I create characters, in the notes, I try to list every choice I made for that character. Plus one included.
> To me, this is the main problem with the Campaigns tool. Exp might differ from player to player, as might gold spendings, renown or secret missions. In AL, I...