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Update and rename EE Spells.xml to XGtE Spells.xml
All the Elemental Evil (EE) spells appear in Xanathar's Guide to Everything (XGE). Copied EE spells to a new file and added new spells from XGE. Also updated any changes to EE spells.
Made changes in outside text editor and replaced all text. Apologies for that.
You removed "(EE)" from spell names, maybe putting there "(XGtE)" would be good idea? I can imagine players who sometimes play with XGtE and sometimes without and then overwriting spells or just having new spells might be misleading. What do you think?
Good idea, will do.
Actually maybe best option would be to leave EE spells as is and just add XGtE spells additionally to Spells directory as separate file. XGtE and EE are different books XGtE is kinda summary of Unearthed Arcana, so we could remove UA Starter Spells then and replace it with proper file :)
I went through each spell in the existing EE file and each one is replicated in XGE. Some were even tweaked a bit with language or damage amounts. I'd be willing to bet the designers would say XGE supersedes EE.
I did consider adding XGE as a separate file, but decided the duplicates would add more confusion. (Otherwise XGE file would be incomplete, leaving out EE spells)
@maynardj1 is correct, the official stance is the newest printing of any rules or spells is the official wording.
This becomes an issue for those who use this and play AL as they can only pick the PHB +1 one other source book. IF they pick a spell from the EEPC, they would still have to use the wording from XGE, if their spell has been reprinted.