Rob Loach

Results 396 comments of Rob Loach

Thanks so much for the testing! I removed physac stuff from raylib-cpp since it was problematic, and made a follow up issue if people still want C++ implementations of that...

Is this still borked? There's a new thing in here to try downloading the latest builds from releases.

ES6 also supports the following too... ``` import * as r from 'raylib' ``` I'd be okay with porting everything to es6 modules, but just want to make sure tests...

Hmm, good find. This will be an important thing to tackle for larger compatibility across different platforms... It might get fixed with some of the new CMake updates in raylib.

That's awesome! Nicely done.

Would be nice to have Visual Sudio project files.

When someone adds them :wink: I don't have Visual Studio, but would love the additions.

To use it in VS, however, you could load the Raylib project, set it as C++ project, and then `#include "path/to/raylib-cpp/include/raylib-cpp.hpp"`

[WindowShouldClose()]( already handles this. Given you use `SetTargetFPS(0)`... Albeit it's not async, but you can see that it calls [`glfwWaitEvents()`]( on desktop, and `emscripten_sleep()` on web.... I guess that's what...

I think having a `WindowShouldCloseAsync()` or similar async function in node-raylib directly would be super worth it! :+1: