Rob Loach

Results 396 comments of Rob Loach

Looking at it looks like the only desired difference is the background. base00 for dark, base07 for light.

Merged the PR :+1: Of course, I wouldn't recommend using `PNTR_ENABLE_UTF8` until you actually need it.

Like an online version on GitHub Pages? Certainly doable, I could help out with putting this together next week. Would need to compile to the web, which may be problematic,...

That's correct, though you'll want to port the `msg.wParam` to a `enum nk_keys`.

All you really need to do is copy the `include` directory into your project, and include chaiscript.hpp.

If you make a ChaiDcript interface to something like `system`, you would be able to run external applications.

Yeah, just the warnings should be good. It's likely the installer that should set up those directories/configurations rather than the application itself.

Mind a screenshot? Perhaps it's an issue with the emudeck hotkeys.

Regarding TIC-80, I had an attempt at updating it over at ... Anyone smarter than me want to have a hack at it?

WAT? Yes it does... Mind providing the verbose logs?