Rob Murphy
Rob Murphy
I have the full Augustus annotations of a closely relates strain that had been trained through Braker using RNA-seq. Is it possible for me to use the output of that...
I would leave this question on the google group but the link´is broken and I can't find it myself. Why use an assembled genome vs raw reads in the example...
If running MEGAHIT on a cluster with a job system, does the memory request need to be greater than or equal to the size of input data?
I see there is an option for not add mercy kmers, does that then mean the behaviour to add them is the default and no flag is needed to invoke...
Does it mean the longest contig from a cluster is kept (if the input is an assembly)?
Firstly thank you for making an awesome tool that I love using for its easy of use and what I believe to be good annotations. I recently came across this...
I know this has been a issue previously but it has poped up again on the conda install of version 4.6. Is there a stable version that curently works through...
Whilst converting the myNew.gtf to EMBL i had some issues so posted on Biostars and someone from the Swedish Bioinformatics Institute commented the following: Full post [here]( > BTW something...
### Description of bug I am running metaSPADES on a co-assembly of 6 samples totalling 19gb raw reads given to metaSPADES. Despite this being a somewhat typical size of metagenomic...
Hi there, Just got around to running v3 and it is very nice! in the `overview.txt ` the EC column has multiple EC numbers. Am I to assume that the...