
Results 11 comments of RedPine91

I checked the in game elapsed time in seconds. The move speed depicted in the top right is accurate. I had a move speed of 148 when dragging a vehicle...

Tested two shopping carts while filled with 160kg of loot. One with casters, the other without. Casters, 212kg of loot, 130 moves to drag. (Vehicle mass 173kg) Casters, 0kg of...

Here's an excerpt from the error log: **Unhandled case: WTH_RepairRate, Plant_Smokeleaf** UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch0 (string) RimWorld.StatWorker:ShouldShowFor (RimWorld.StatRequest) RimWorld.StatsReportUtility/c__DisplayClass20_0:b__0 (RimWorld.StatDef) System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereListIterator`1:MoveNext () RimWorld.StatsReportUtility/d__20:MoveNext () System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereEnumerableIterator`1:MoveNext () System.Collections.Generic.List`1:InsertRange (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) System.Collections.Generic.List`1:AddRange...

I no longer have the save file for this issue, but I found a similar (if not the same) issue in my latest save. I can see about getting a...

'+1 1) Simple solution: Reduce the frequency of the music log. 2) Simple solution: Option to reduce or eliminate the music log. 3) Moderate solution: The music log should only...

It's odd for there to be no roof above the sewage pipes.

I'm inexperienced, but I took a look at the mapgen for this location. There's no explicit code for a roof. Instead, it seems certain furniture automatically has a roof...

To implement a roof: A roof would have to be added. The roof would need to be spawned. The roof would need to be recognized as an overmap...

The middle picture is the upstairs map tile, the first picture is peeking downstairs, the third picture is walking downstairs. Peeking upstairs ALSO peeks to the wrong tile. ![Upstairs_Peek](