Warren Frame

Results 59 issues of Warren Frame

## 1. Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above So! If an endpoint isn't included here, it would be handy for us to borrow your scaffolding...

API Coverage

It might be handy to expose portions of the [issues API](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/issues.html) for example, something like: - [ ] Get-GitLabIssue (maybe default to [Project](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/issues.html#list-project-issues) vs. group? or different functions?) - [...

API Coverage

Detect [new variables](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/variables/README.html#9-0-renaming) (old ones need to remain as well) for GitLab 9.0

Some discussion: https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/PSDeploy/issues/37 Given that we already abstract out some PowerShell specific stuff, and have commands to work with module metadata (not markdown though...), this might be a good fit...

help wanted

Latest PowerShellGet does not play nice (or, I do something silly that doesn't work with the new version). https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/BuildHelpers/blob/master/BuildHelpers/Public/Get-NextPSGalleryVersion.ps1 This has been deprecated for a while, but I never actually...

Would it be worth including bits on organizing files and general structure for modules? For example: - Do functions get their own files? If so, how to name these files?...

Best Practices

Hiyo! Was looking to use this module for a small bit, but ran into issues with the anr queries in group membership functions ([example](https://github.com/lazywinadmin/AdsiPS/blob/master/AdsiPS/Public/Remove-ADSIGroupMember.ps1#L100)). Not sure what the best option...

help wanted

Add NoPluginManagement and NoAccessManagement configuration options per #79 ## Description Add NoPluginManagement and NoAccessManagement configuration options per #79 Boiled down: Limit the risk of potential unauthorized management of plugins and...

in progress

Hiyo! It might be worth considering a 'read-only' mode for plugin management. This would reduce the (presumably) low risk of a bad actor installing and using plugins/modules that aren't explicitly...

help wanted
up for grabs

Consider a mechanism for running commands as a different user It may be helpful to include a mechansim to simplify running as a different user. Currently, if you need to...

up for grabs