Warren Frame

Results 59 issues of Warren Frame

I'm quite comfort with the current implementation. Down the road, if this grows, it might be fun and potentially helpful for folks with a different risk appetite to do something...

up for grabs

In some cases, deployments may benefit from running in parallel. It might help to add a 'parallel' switch that invokes deployments in parallel via runspaces. This may be as simple...

help wanted

Opening an issue to discuss this resource. [Per this PR](https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/PSDeploy/pull/17), goal would be to push application of the DSC configs.

help wanted

I've been trying to build up examples, scenarios, and feature illustrations in the Wiki, but the comment-based help and about help could use some work

help wanted

PSGalleryModule is up and running, would be handy to have a PSGalleryScript to go along with it, for example: ``` powershell Deploy SomeScript { By PSGalleryScript { FromSource SomeScript.ps1 To...

A user might expect the following to work, and display `Var is 2`: ``` powershell $var = 2 Deploy Example { By Task One { "Var is $var" } By...

In case it helps - after the `ruby dk.rb init` step, it might be worth noting that the user should add the path to the Ruby installation to their config.yml...


Not going to have time to do this, but the following will likely break on Feb 24: https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/PSSlack/blob/master/PSSlack/Public/Get-SlackGroup.ps1 Not sure if anything else will go. https://api.slack.com/changelog/2020-01-deprecating-antecedents-to-the-conversations-api#methods Contains the list of...

Or something along those lines. Similar to New-SlackMessageAttachment, perhaps with same behavior. https://api.slack.com/messaging/composing/layouts#adding-blocks

Add function: New-SlackUserGroup https://api.slack.com/methods/usergroups.create

help wanted