Elias Abacioglu

Results 27 issues of Elias Abacioglu

Hi The Index templates view use 100% CPU in firefox for that browser tab and gets really slow and is impossible to use. I don't know if it's because I...

Hi I'm running trickster v2.0-beta2 and I am trying to cache POST requests with JSON data. I can't seem to get trickster to cache the posts. The response gets this...

Would be awesome if there was support for [druid](https://druid.apache.org/).

**Rancher Server Setup** - Rancher version: v2.6.5 - Installation option (Docker install/Helm Chart): Helm v3 , RKE1 - Proxy/Cert Details: letsencrypt **Information about the Cluster** - Kubernetes version: v1.20.12 -...


## Description Reloading Ohai with plugins argument fails silently with chef v14 and v15. https://docs.chef.io/resource_ohai.html#examples This will fail. ``` ohai 'reload_passwd' do action :nothing plugin 'etc' end user 'daemonuser' do...

I know it's early in the project, but is NFC support planned? And how does that feature look priority wise?


Hi, I have a feature wish for multiple hosts in the LDAP connector. Today it seems that the LDAP connector can only connect to one LDAP server. I would like...

Hi I'm running OS X Sierra, VirtualBox 5.1.26, Vagrant 1.9.7. Installed this plugin and trying to get a Alpine instance working. The error is get when running vagrant up is...

I'm a bit novice when it comes to this, but what is required to get NFC to work with OpenSK on this nRF52840-mdk-usb-dongle? Does a NFC antenna need to be...

**Describe the bug** I have a k8s cluster (v1.20.12). Trying to install the CRDs (v0.20.0) gives me error 413. **Steps to reproduce the issue:** kubectl apply -f https://github.com/banzaicloud/koperator/releases/download/v0.20.0/kafka-operator.crds.yaml **Expected behavior**...
